Discernment Counseling Does What Now?
“I’m worried about making such an important decision in just 5 short sessions!” is a comment I often hear when people ask about Divorce Discernment.
They’re even further shocked when I tell them most of my clients have made a confident decision about their relationship by session 3 or 4.
Let me explain.
What is Discernment Counseling
Divorce Discernment is not Couples Counseling. It is not supposed to, nor will it change anything in your relationship (Doherty & Harris, 2017).
Yup you read that correctly. Participating in this type of therapy requires a significant mindset shift on the part of the couple and the therapist.
The purpose of Divorce Discernment is twofold:
1) It is designed to hold space for your uncertainty and ambivalence toward couples counseling and your partner. While helping you gain clarity about your relationship patterns and confidence about your decision (Doherty & Harris, 2017).
2) One of you is considering divorce. Guess what? No significant relational change can occur while this option is looming heavily in your mind. Couples Counseling wouldn’t work. Divorce Discernment is designed to save you time, effort, and money.
Gaining Clarity
You need to make up your mind before trying Couples Counseling as a last ditch effort. Do you want out or do you want in? Or maybe you need more time to mull it over. There is that option you know. You can keep the status quo and do nothing.
Even though this limbo inclusive counseling isn’t long enough for change, it is powerful enough for insight. Insight for both the leaning in and leaning out partner to really see the big picture of how they contribute to the relationship as it is now.
Having Confidence
They say knowledge is power and knowing your piece of the puzzle in your relationship will set you up for success moving forward—no matter the choice made.
If you move toward couples therapy, you’ll already be one step closer to change because you’ll see what needs to be done. Couples Counseling can get started with action. Many couples who have made the decision to move forward with couples counseling have affectionally dubbed their divorce discernment days as valuable “pre-counseling”.
If you move toward Divorce, you’ll know what you need to work on personally before starting a new relationship because patterns will repeat themselves until they are dealt with, no matter who you are with. You can’t divorce yourself.
If you keep the Status Quo, the insight itself has changed the system slightly, so it’s not really the same old status quo. Often partners who choose the status quo choose to delay making a decision about their relationship until a few months of personal counseling are under their belts.
The best part of doing this with a trained professional is I can see the big picture of your relationship almost immediately. And I gently guide you both towards insight during your individual time with me. When your decision is made, I will help you put together a concrete plan for how you both want to move forward.
Still have questions? Give me a call! 682-747-6166
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